Hayli Sanders

  • City: Kiev
  • Country: Ukraine
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5.18
  • Weight: 110
  • Stats: 32/26/32

Hayli Sanders comes from Ukraine where she's born in 1995. She started her career in 2017 and has cumulated a serious experience of the adult scenes! Before this, she was a semi-professional athlete, specialized in 100 & 200m! Hayli told us that the thing she prefers over all in life is... do nothing :) Yes, Hayli is lazy! Inactivity is her leitmotiv and her favorite place is her bed, just in front of the tv, with her cat purring just near her...


Refined Taste
Sexual Urges
Little Firecracker
A Bit Of Fun
Mythical Creature